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lab results

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All Sweet Justice products undergo comprehensive testing protocol to ensure our quality and safety standards are met.

At Sweet Justice, we put our products through the wringer—because we care.

Think of it as a boot camp for beverages, where only the toughest, cleanest, and safest make the cut.

Our recipe? A dash of rigor, a splash of science, and a final judgment by an unbiased, third-party lab with a very serious clipboard. No product gets the green light without acing this test.

So when we say it's good to go, you know it's ready to blow your mind.

Beverage Batch Test Results
Pacific Island Punch SJ0011C
Pacific Island Punch SJ0011B
Pacific Island Punch SJ0011
Elderberry Pom SJ0010
Lemon Ginger Ale SJ0009
Cherry Cola SJ0008
OG Cola SJ0007
Cherry Cola SJ0005
OG Cola SJ0004
Cherry Cola SJ0003
Lemon Ginger Ale SJ0002
OG Cola SJ0001

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